Saturday, April 20, 2013

Jane's craft room

This isn't my house, but I just had to show you what my mom has been doing. When I moved out my parents were left with an empty, slightly garish room. My mom has turned it into a functional, fun, detailed craft room, and without needing to buy almost anything! When I took these pictures she had spent only $3 on the room. (It helps that we had a black and white craft room before, and a lot of things transferred.)

She is so good at staging shelves. Each of those boxes contain craft things, and most of them she covered herself.

So cute.

This is an antique steamer trunk, complete with drawers full of ribbon spools. And that's my granddad's military jacket hanging up. My favorite part is the glove hanging out of the top drawer.

More cute staging, and a hanging shelf.

She made this from a Goodwill find (yes, that's where I get it) by adding ribbon, decorative scroll work, cute matching bottles full of colorful beads, and a pennant she made herself.

Another cute detail.

Doesn't this make you want to start crafting?

She turned wrapping paper into adorable matching containers that totally make the shelf.

This room has the best sunlight, so it functions as a potting room sometimes, too.

While I was here these daffodils bloomed, and they were the same color as the wall.

Handmade chandelier? No big deal.

She even painted an old sewing table and chair to match, and re-covered the seat. That's a lot of detail work!

She's so good at committing to a theme and carrying it through the whole room.

More cute staging, this time on a cafe table with matching chairs. The yellow stripes are on a tea cup that functions as a pin cushion.

One last fun detail. 

Isn't her craft room so cute? It makes me want to start working on mine. Does this give you any ideas for your house?

1 comment:

  1. I'm honored! Thanks for my 15 minutes of fame!


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